一、 招标条件
Conditions of tender
刚果(布)黑角索瑞米股份有限公司(英文名称: SOREMI SA ,以下简称招标人),拟对《刚果(布)黑角索瑞米股份有限公司 YK 、 BK 及 SL 矿区铜多金属矿地质勘查钻探工程项目( 2025 年度)》进行招标,该项目资金已落实,已具备招标条件。欢迎有意向并符合本公告要求的公司参与投标,并提交密封投标书。具体事项如下:
SOCIETE DE RECHERCHE ET D’EXPLOITATION MINIERE (English name: SOREMI SA, hereinafter referred to as the Tenderee) intends to tender the Soremi YK 、 BK and SL Mining Areas Copper Polymetallic Mine 2025 Geological Exploration Drilling Project. The project fund has been implemented and the bidding conditions have been met. We welcome companies that are interested and meet the requirements of this announcement to participate in the bidding and submit sealed bids. The details are as follows:
二、招标内容 Content of tender
1. 招标编号:
Tender No.:
2. 工程概况: Project Overview:
该工程为钻探项目,地址位于刚果(布) Bouenza 省 Ngoionga 、 Kiori 及 Mankala 地区。工程主要内容如下:
The drilling project is located in the Mankala area of Bouenza Province, The Republic of the Congo . The main contents of the project are as follows:
(1) 提交工作区钻探岩芯。
Submit drill cores for the work area.
(2) 提交钻探施工班报表。
Submit report of drilling operations.
(3) 提交施工钻孔的测斜、简易水文观测资料。
Submit inclinometer and simple hydrological observation data of drilling holes.
3. 项目地点:刚果(布)布恩扎 (Bouenza) 省
Project location: Bouenza Province, The Republic of the Congo
三、 投标人资格要求: 本次招标要求投标人须同时具备以下资格条件:
Qualification Requirements for bidders: This bidding requires the bidder to meet the following qualifications:
1. 投标人具有所在国家(地区)注册资格,独立法人,具有有效营业执照,注册资金不低于人民币 500 万元,保持良好履约记录,有能力响应招标文件所提出的要求,企业需具备所在国最高等级(甲级)相应资质。
The bidder shall have the qualification for registration in the country (region) where it is located, an independent legal person, a valid business license, a registered capital of not less than 5 million yuan, a good performance record, the ability to respond to the requirements set forth in the bidding documents, and the highest level (Grade A) corresponding qualification of the country where it is located.
2. 投标人须承担过 3 项及以上该类钻探工作设计和野外作业,必须具备履行合同所需的财务能力和经验,具有良好的商业信誉和履行合同所需的设备和专业技术能力,能提供良好技术支持与服务,投标人必须提供钻探相关资质证明文件。
The bidder must have undertaken 3 or more such drilling work designs and field operations, must have the financial capacity and experience required for the performance of the contract, have good business reputation and the equipment and professional technical ability required for the performance of the contract, and can provide good technical support and services. The bidder must provide the relevant qualification documents of drilling.
3. 项目经理须为钻探相关专业和中级及以上职称,大专 8 年或本科 5 年以上工作经验,提供相应工作业绩材料。其他主要人员须有同类项目相关工作经验。
The project manager should be drilling related major and have intermediate title or above.
If the project manager is a junior college student, he/she shall have more than 8 years of work experience; if the project manager is an undergraduate, he/she shall have more than 5 years of work experience, and relevant work performance materials shall be provided. Other key personnel should have relevant work experience in similar projects.
4. 中标单位不得转包、分包,也不得挂靠式承包,并出具书面承诺。
The winning bidder shall not subcontract, separate contract or affiliate contract, and shall issue a written commitment.
5. 投标人没有处于被责令停业,投标资格被取消 , 财产被接管、冻结、破产状态。
The bidder is not in the state of being ordered to suspend business, being disqualified for bidding, or the property has been taken over, frozen, or bankrupt.
6. 最近三年内没有骗取中标和严重违约,未出现重大工程质量及安全问题。
In the last three years, the bidder did not win the bid by fraud or serious breach of contract, and there were no major project quality and safety problems.
7. 符合规定的其他条件(如相关国家及项目所在国强制性行业及法律要求、资格条件等)。
The bidder shall meet other specified conditions (such as mandatory industry and legal requirements qualification conditions, etc. of the relevant country and the country where the project is located).
四、 招标文件发放时间和地点:
Time and place of issuance of tender documents:
4.1 所有投标人可在 2025 年 2 月 28 日至 3 月 6 日每日 9:00-15:00 (北京时间,节假日除外)与联系人索取招标文件电子版,报名时应提供的材料及要求:
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